Today me & ma went on a lunchtime walk... But instead of turning right at the end of the road we turned left...
We came across a new path to explore
Why haven't we been this way before Ma?!
There were bridges & styles & lots of lovely flowers!
I stopped & had a smell of the lovely flowers!
We walked over the bridge to see what we could see
There was a lovely stream
And a little tunnel the water went through
There were lots of bluebells around today
They were very pretty
The path was long & went through a wooded area, I led the way
Can you see the tree house??
I raced ahead of ma & kept running back for her
Back on the bridge I was looking over the side for fishes...
Couldnt see any today..
This walk was so pretty, I will definitely turn left again!
Instead of a message in a bottle, we found a feather in a bottle!... Hummm
It's time to head back to the office... Uh oh, look at those clouds!!