Sunday 19 February 2012

Birthday Bash!

This weekend was great fun!! I went to say HaPpY bIrThDaY to Papa Clegg!!

I baked a cake... 'hehe'

I had lots of space to run around.... I did 20 laps to burn that cake off!!
'whoof whoof!!'

I went to ask Uncle JasperCat if he was coming out to play....

..... But he said 'No, he was very busy!!'

I had a very, very, very, very, very nice time!!!! There were lots of people to see & lots of people to make a fuss of me!! hehe!

I came home and had a big sleep.... I was pooped from all the excitement..... & cake!!!



Frank The Tank said...

Hi Reggie! I love the photo of you asking the cat to come play! Was he scared of you?? It looks like a wonderful day was had by all! The last photo of you sleeping is just soooooo cute!
Reggie, where did your Pawrents get you from, Im thinking that there cant be THAT many breeders for Pugaliers and where I come from there is only me! Nobody has ever heard of a Pugalier before! Could we be cousins or long lost brothers from the same mother!?! When you get chance, have a talk with your Mum and ask her! Thanks! Lots of Love, Licks, Hugs and Tummy Rubs from Frank xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

aw thanks Frank! No, Jasper wasnt really scared of me... but I dont think we had much in common as he didnt want to hang around with me!
Well, my ma & pa bought me from a lady in Birmingham. My Mum was her pet king charles & my Dad was he friends Pug. Ma doesnt think she was a proper breeder as i hadnt had my first jabs & they didnt have to sign any papers or anything and I was in a play pen with some little miniture snouzers, so we think she was just making a bit of money really. I had a little sister to, but luckily ma & pa chose me!
when i go out and about in town people always ask if im a miniture boxer!! We must be related somewhere along the line :) we look so much alike in your baby photos.
I can't believe your from Devon as I now live in Somerset, so thats really close to me!
I would like a playmate, but dont know if I will get one...
Big hugs!
Love Reggie xxx