Ma & Pa Clegg came to visit, but we had such a lovely time that I forgot to ask my blog paparazzi to take piccies! Doh!
They brought some yummy food for me! Yum yum!
Ma Clegg was giving Ma some much needed advice on knitting... so while she was doing that, I had a sleep (for a change).....
We did some chores today.... I helped!
I unloaded the washing machine & helped hang the washing out..... Sort of!
... I looked after the pegs!
After we'd finished hanging out the washing I tried to take a photo of me and Ma together for my family album, but my paws don't stretch to far for me to hold out the camera & Ma's big head took up all the room.... you can only just about see me!!!
..... How selfish!!!
Best get some Zzzzzzzz's in, back to work tomorrow....
Looking after the house is a full time job you know!